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"Playing with you is a different sort of taboo, you take the whole environment and put an original twist on it all."

Keep in Touch with Email

Social media is getting harder and harder to keep up with. If you like my work please join my email list. I won't send more than one a week but realistically you'll see about one per month. I'll post shows and some of the newest art highlights.

Fantastic Hosts - Noir

By Dan on April 16, 2017 8:22 PM

What a great night shooting Noir!!  Pictures are on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pg/danchickphotography/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1485397598198984 and prints and high resolution downloads are available at https://danchick.smugmug.com/Fantastic-Hosts-Noir-Party-2017/

Thanks for making such visual magic with me! 

HackTheLight.com - Dedicated Light Painting Site

By Dan on January 14, 2016 1:33 PM

As I have been writing tutorials for light painting I made the decision to dedicate my fledgling site entirely to my light painting endeavors.  It's all of the art that I've been doing but I had to decide whether I wanted that woven in permanently to this site or not.  HackTheLight.com will now be where all of my light painting stuff lives.  My galleries and blog posts have all been ported over and right after this blog post is made I will start removing that content from this site.  I'll leave some placeholders to point people over there but that's about it.

Downsides: existing links may break.  That's about it.  I don't have enough of a following that this will be any kind of issue.

Upside: tutorial links, and my art, will find permanent homes on this new domain even if I want to change up this site.